Egholm social channels
Here you will find an overview of Egholm’s social media channels.
As a partner, you are our most important ambassador, and your support can make a significant difference in promoting our products and messages.
By sharing our content, we can reach more customers together, generate interest in our products, and strengthen your position as a partner with an innovative and responsible manufacturer.
In the Downloads section, we have made it easy for you to find images and short videos that you can use to promote Egholm on your own social media channels. These materials are tailored to quickly and effectively capture the attention and engagement of your followers.
We greatly appreciate your help in creating more visibility for Egholm – like, share, and comment on our content, and make use of our materials to engage your own followers!
Local Egholm social media platforms
Do you wish to create a local Egholm social media platform (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram etc.), do contact Marketing to hear more about the guidelines for this.